17 February 2009

Car Cozy

Boy, it was chilly last night! How chilly was it? It was so chilly, the cars were wearing coats!

I was walking down W. 37th Street near Eighth last night when I noticed this old compact car completely covered by what I can only call a car cozy. At first I thought it was the work of a very inventive, but slightly cracked, New Yorker who cared a little too much about his or her car's welfare. Like those pet owners who buy their mutts elaborate wardrobes.

On closer examination, I realized it was an artwork, part of a small exhibition currently taking up the Chashama space on that block. (You can see the show in the background, behind the glass storefront.) The cozy is actually a patchwork of separate pieces of knitting, but it fits perfectly, particularly around the rear-view mirrors. The art show runs through this Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. This is the work of Brooklyn artist Cynthia Ruse. www.cynthiaruse.com


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