03 February 2009

P & G Cafe: De-Signed

A watchful reader sent me these sad pictures of the Upper West Side's classic tavern, the P & G Cafe, which closed on Jan. 31. It has been shorn of it fabulous neon sign, as you can see.

Nothing left to do but wait until it reopens (hopefully, with sign) at its new location.


  1. awwwwwwwwwww. Hope somebody made off with that. I took pictures of the Cheyenne yesterday, it's in worst shape. I was gonna pilfer a giant piece of chrome but just couldn't do it.

  2. It will definitely be at the new location. The bartender told me there just wasn't enough room for the full sign but only for the part pitured. The owner plans on keeping the rest in his garage.

  3. Just this morning, as I was leaving Verdi Square's north side, I glanced over at the P&G and saw the signs gone. I felt like my stomach was literally (yes, literally) going to rise up from my viscera and make its way out my mouth. I remember feeling the same way when the Iridium changed. I can't walk by and see it in its current incarnation without wanting to cry.

  4. That is sad. The sign can be saved though

  5. Last wknd for the Superbowl I went up to my parents' apt. Got out of the subway and looked and 73 and Amsterdam and there was no red light and the sign was dark. Was the first time in my whole life that I saw nothing there. Sometimes I hate New York.


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