12 February 2009

Very Wrong

Curbed reports that the beautiful, 116-year-old, Upper West Side West-Park Presbyterian Church at the corner of Amsterdam Avenue and West 86th Street—never landmarked, which is just wrong—is thisclose to be demolished—which is very wrong.

Preservation group Landmark West! has issued this urgent e-mail:

Neighbors of the red-sandstone historic gem anchoring the northeast corner of West 86th Street and Amsterdam Avenue have recently observed workers removing pieces of West-Park's interior. More than one worker confirmed that the building is being readied for demolition.

Jesus. Didn't we learn anything from the Green Church? How could you even think of destroying that church after a single glance at its majesty?

1 comment:

  1. This rumor has since been debunked on Curbed. See their more recent post.


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