12 February 2009

Wooden Phone Booth Sighting: O'Connor's

I was recently alerted (by its author) of a brand new blog called Here is Park Slope, set on covered all things concerning, yes, Park Slope. I checked in and it looks like Dan Myers is already up to some good work there. But that's not why I'm posting this. I'm posting this because the resourceful Myers has found a wooden phone booth that I did not know about. It's in the old dive, O’Connor’s, on Fifth and Bergen. I've been wanting to check out that place for some time. The pictures entice me even more.


  1. Oh, that's a great bar. Years and years ago, I went there one evening late into the night after drinking for quite some time, then I couldn't exactly remember WHERE that bar was or what its name was! I did find it again eventually, though! I hope they stick around.

  2. Have you seen the phone booths at the main branch of the NY Public Library on 42nd St? Nice and wooden and a few on each floor.

  3. With a dial phone no less! Isn't there a phone booth (and dial phone) in Jackie's 5th Amendment down the street?

    There was also one of these for years in Rosemary's on Bedford.

  4. I wonder if New York Hospital still has their wooden phone booths (very near the main entrance on East 68th Street).I know they were there for sure around May 1997, because I called my husband from one of those booths to tell him we were going to have twins!

  5. cynthiaperez5/21/2011 1:29 PM

    forest hills high school had three wooden phone booths back in 1990 / cynthia


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