13 March 2009

Some Stuff That's Interesting

There's still nothing happening over at the Domino Plant. [Restless]

The mystery of Brooklyn's forbidding looking Putnam Candy Store. [Gothamist]

Always liked the way the West Village's Tortilla Flats looked. [Greenwich Village Daily Photo]

Amazingly, you can now get Cammareri Brothers prosciutto balls on a cart in Midtown. [Midtown Lunch]

In praise of the plastic bags at J. Baczynsky Meat Market. [EV Grieve]

People have plenty of opinions about the new Minetta Tavern. As well they should. [Eater]

The Brooklyn Paper, which has been independent for 31 years, has been bought by Rupert Murdoch. With the Post, the Wall Street Journal, the Courier-Life chain of Brooklyn papers already in Murdoch's mitts, and now this, New York now has its own Berlusconi. If the Times goes under, this once-great newspaper town is dead meat. [NY Observer]

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