15 March 2009

Totonno's Damaged By Fire; Will Reopen

A fire has ravaged Totonno's, the irreplaceable Coney Island pizzeria, causing extensive damage. According to the fire department, the fire broke out between the roof and ceiling around 8:45 a.m. on Saturday. Three firefighters suffered minor injuries.

The folks at the Slice blog called Totonno's owner Lawrence Ciminieri, who said "Everything is going to be fine. The fire broke out in the coal storage area when we were closed. It must have been ignited by something backed up in the oven. The back two rooms are gone. The dining room is fine. The oven will have to be re-bricked, but that is something we do every few years anyway. I think we'll be back open in a month."

The news about the dining room is critical, as the eating area is a virtual museum of New York pizzeria-dom, and couldn't readily be replicated.

What Totonno's Looked Like Before the Fire


  1. The owner of Totonno's has a very positive outlook on the damages at the restaurant. Good thing no one was seriously injured during the fire.

  2. From what I read, the fire burned right through the building's roof. Damage of that sort is pretty serious business and usually requires extensive repairs. One month to reopening may not be realistic.


  3. this is terrible - i was just there doing a photo shoot - i am hoping for a speedy reopen. here is the link to my images a few weeks back -> http://danmarinophoto.blogspot.com

  4. this is terrible - i was just there doing a photo shoot - i am hoping for a speedy reopen. here is the link to my images a few weeks back -> http://danmarinophoto.blogspot.com


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