28 April 2009

Blues in the Night

That awful blue finger building in the Lower East Side, at dusk. Almost makes you hate it a bit less, what with the blue background, etc. Almost.


  1. I actually like this building. But think it's awful within the context of the LES. Not sure *where* it would fit, but there, it does *not.*

  2. abominable..

  3. i like the building, but the color, THE COLOR THE HORROR!!!

  4. It still doesn't contrast very nicely with the quaint essex street market in the foreground, but I suppose it's not that terrible at dusk.

  5. These buildings (I also have in mind the one on Astor Place) look like the places the space aliens have brought in to rule the city from, so in a way they are appropriate.

  6. Still waiting for the big box store they've been advertising to fill their never to be opened retail space. If I lived there, that unending scaffolding would really piss me off by now. In fact, I don't live there and it pisses me off.


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