Betting impatient with disabled people. [City Room]
Maintaining that the press don't need to have a presence at police headquarters, because, you know, nothing newsworthy ever happens there, and it's not like the police will become corrupt or anything if the press aren't watching them. [NY Post]
Showing unstinting support for the financial titans who have brought the City, nation and world low. [NY Times]
Opposing money from the EPA that would clean up the Gowanus Canal, because such a project would slow development in the area. [NYT via Queens Crap]
Hogging all the party lines at the ballot box, even though he's supposedly independent and above politics. [NY Observer]
Now, just imagine you're a disabled, poor Democrat reporter who wants the Gowanus cleaned up—oooh, how Bloomberg would hate you.
If only NYC had a cool, down to earth, caring mayor like San Francisco's Gavin Newsom.