01 April 2009

Why Bother?

OK, here you have a piece of friggin' Crapitecture as plain and flagrant as you could ask, on Third Avenue in Gowanus. Obviously, the architect made no attempt whatsoever to make the building distinctive or attractive. No lintels, no cornice, Plain-Jane windows, air-conditioners all over the place—just a boxy blight.

But then you peer inside the "lobby" (I'm being generous by using that term). And what do you find? A chandelier! I mean, what's the point? After the masterpiece in homeliness that is the apartment house, the developer thought he would class things up with this trashy trinket? To little, too late.


  1. I thought it was a dorm, or a prison, or a nursing home, or a toll booth, or a

  2. that's actually going to be a hotel (which is why each window has an air conditioning unit). just wait until they start putting up the signage!

  3. A hotel? My God, then it's even more pitiful.

  4. I love your seething anger on this post! This is a truly awful building and the chandelier is just ridiculous.

  5. You put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.

    This is one awful bland cookie cutter box. The building should be burned, knocked over and the land deemed tainted, never to be built on again.

  6. Sadly, he thinks he has taste.


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