15 May 2009

What Your Mayor Is Up To

Conducting a smear campaign against non-Mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner, and then lying about it. [NY Times via Queens Crap]

Placing puff pieces about himself watching his totally grown daughters riding horses. He's a family man! [NY Times]

Getting deposed in connection with a discrimination lawsuit against the financial services and media giant he founded. The suit says Bloomberg and his company discriminated against pregnant women. [City Room]

Playing the teacher's union so as to best increase his margin of victory. [The Village Voice]

Picking a Wall Street guy who used to work at Lehman Brothers to head up the Housing Authority. [Gothamist]

1 comment:

  1. Guess theHousing projects will now go
    "Condo" nice to have a person directing welfare/subsidized housing from Lehman Brothers,we know how well
    they did.
    Has he ever been to the Projects?
    I guess every project will now
    have a Danny Meyers "Shake Shack".


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