19 June 2009

Goose Heaven and Fly Hell and Other Mayoral Attitudes

From the Daily News, via Queens Crap, your Mayor is speaking...about...something:

"I don’t know why he did it. I had pickets outside my house for geese last night. We are sending some of these geese for well-deserved rest up in the sky, wherever geese go.

"But the bottom line is, we can make fun of the geese but they’re a danger to human beings flying. And we’re doing what's appropriate, and I’m sure what the president thought about was that particular fly might be spreading something like the H1N1 flu and he was going to risk his own life with hands - bare hands, without Purell - and he protected the public by hitting that fly, and we owe him a great debt of gratitude. I'm sure he’s laughing about it right now."

I'm sorry. Does Mike Bloomberg really believe in Goose Heaven?

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