10 June 2009

Oh, Dear God, No

The storefront on Court Street between Carroll Park and the Citibank branch has always had trouble finding its tone. For a decade or more, the landlord has been renting out to cafes of various form, but they all have fallen flat, beginning with the bygone Cuckoo Nest on. But the Happy Pants Cafe? I'm sorry—the Happy Pants Cafe? This garish awning appeared recently. I stared at it a second today, with its illustrations of colorful, running "happy" pants, before I felt sick to my stomach and had to turn away. Oh God, please take it down. Please.


  1. Sure, the awning is slightly garish, but the owner is exceptionally nice, as is Flora who's there most days. I'd rather look at that awning than a green Starbucks sign like on every. other. block. God forbid we have a little diversity in our neighborhood.

  2. At least they are not underpants.

  3. What makes it even stranger is the juxtapostion of the buddha sitting above it in the palm readers window!

  4. If someone told me a business was called Happy Pants, I would assume something untoward was going on inside.

  5. They've still got great bagels and good service.

    This has been my weekend go-to bagel spot since I moved to the hood ten years ago (although I was surprised Georgiana's Place changed to the Pants Place - bad name to be sure).


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