30 June 2009

Sofia Brothers History Explained For You

Recently, I posted an item about the nearly 100-year-old, family-owned storage company Sofia Brothers.

Apparently, I didn't quite get the family history of the place quite right.
Theodore C. Sofia II, who was named after his grandfather, the founder of the business, wrote in to set me straight, and I am happy to be set straight.

Sofia said his father Alan and Uncle Ted sold out of their interest back in the mid-80's, leaving Theodore II's great Uncle John's the boys—Frankie, Johnnie and Lenny—to run the business. Thus, Sofia Brothers.


  1. I live near the Sofia Bros. in Washington Heights and look out at their marvelous building every day. There's another branch on the UWS, too.

  2. So glad to see the correction. The building and its legacy is still one of the most beautiful examples of art deco achitecture in Manhattan - Thank you for bringing some attention to a wonderful part of our family's history.

    Lynn Sofia McGuinn
    (Theo II is my brother!)


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