11 June 2009

Some Stuff That's Interesting

Some good folks have launched the new Bloomberg Watch, the title of which site says it all. It's organizer is Neil Fabricant. Sez they: "We’ve just launched www.bloombergwatch.com to add our voice to those who feel that Michael Bloomberg’s term limits override and his ensuing candidacy represent a radical departure from and a challenge to the fundamental principles of democratic government: the rule of law and the consent of the governed. True, the city council had the legal power to do what it did, and there will be an election in November. The forms have been observed; that is why we use the word “challenge.” We see this election is a watershed moment in our political history; a teaching moment much like the 1975 fiscal crises or the election and administration of Barack Obama." They also plan to run a lot of juicy cartoons, like the Nast-like contribution above. (This is great news for me, since I'm standing by my pledge never to post a picture of Mike's nasty face again. But cartoons? Yes!)

Times Square when it wasn't full of people sitting on their asses in lawn chairs. [Greenwich Village Daily Photo]

The historic Tower Buildings (their real name, not Cobble Hill Towers) in Cobble Hill, built to serve working-class people, are going condo, putting them out of the reach of most working people. [Brownstoner]

The Empire State Building is going to get a super swanky cocktail lounge, The Empire Room. Could be great. Could be cheesy. [Eater]

Restless offers a fair analysis of the new monstrosities along the Bowery. (Guess how I feel about them?) [Restless]

Forgotten New York walks across five NYC bridges that cross the Harlem River. All I've got to say is "All Persons Must Leave When Draw Gong Sounds."

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