22 June 2009

Why I Want More Rain

The New York Times revealed on June 19 what most of us have been feeling in our bones for some times: June has been freaking rainy!

Record rainy! Rain had fallen for 15 of the first 19 days of June. And this article appears before this past weekend's (and today's) contributions. So make that 18 or the first 22 days of June.

On Friday, 2009 already ranked at the seventh wettest June in New York on record, with 7.62 inches. By now, I'm we've blown away No. 6: 1887's 7.76 inches.

You might think I'd be sick of the rain. And I am. But, I want it to continue, for a little bit anyway. I didn't go through all this dreary wetness not to set a record! 2003's 10.26 inched is going down! We're only a couple inches away. So, let's go for it.

And then we can have a nice sunny July, full of cloudless skies and big, brimming reservoir.


  1. I agree. I may have gotten sick because of the rain, but I can complain more effectively if June actually sets the record. And I'm sick now and staying in my apartment all the time anyway, so yet more rain at this point isn't going to hurt me.

  2. I bet they still talk about a drought in August...

  3. I love the rain. It's giving me a head-start on the plants -- soon enough I'll be hand watering.


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