02 July 2009

Bad News for Joe Jr.—And All of Us

Rotten news from Joe Jr., the homiest, most haimish of West Village diners. The 45-year-old landmark, a fixture at Sixth Avenue and West. 12th, is in trouble.
According to Eater:

Joe Jr's has lost its lease, and, barring divine intervention of some sort, will close. Per an email from author David Kamp to Ed Levine: "They have big handwritten signs in the window saying they've lost their lease. They are asking people to sign a petition to save Joe Jr. and to 'spread the word,' I guess in hopes of pressuring the landlord not to cut them loose."

How many more of these shuttering do we have to suffer until the Powers That Be are satisfied that New York no longer has any annoying thing you might call character?


  1. This is the first place I ate as a New Yorker. Very sad.

  2. I love Jr. Junior's. That's so sad that they've lost their lease. Predictable, though. So predictable!

  3. I have a personality tic whereby i will not enter a new establishment in a location that was last held by a beloved neighborhood joint.

    The list is depressingly long as a 43 year old born on the eastside in Yorkville.

    I wish there was a website that would memorialize these locations, if for no other reason than to give greedy landlords another thing to consider before getting all moist in their pursuit of a Starbucks lease.


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