07 July 2009

Basil Thieves Rampant in Carroll Gardens

Some gourmet, locavore thieves have been relieving a law-abiding, pesto-loving Carroll Gardens gardener of his or her hard-won fresh basil. And it's just horrible!

"PLEASE Stop taking our BASIL!" cried the sign on President Street near Henry. "IT IS VERY Cheap AND YOU CAN buy you own."

This is true. Also, you can buy your own seeds, which is even cheaper.

But here's where your heart breaks. "P.S. The children are quite disturbed by your actions. And so are the adults."

Won't someone please, please, think of the children!


  1. My sympathies were wholly with the aggrieved until she played the C-card.

  2. This is fresh basil
    This is a planter
    This is not ( I repeat not) a Dog Urinal!!!

    Is this the same master sign writing work of ".....not a dog urinal"??

  3. it's fresh basil, that should leave a pleasant odor trail right to our thieves. i'll get my trained dog scooby right on it. to the mystery mobile!!!

  4. Could be, Elizabeth, could be. We really do need to get the Mystery Mobile on this.

  5. We had the same thing happen to us in the Slope last year, though it might've been rosemary (it was another tenant's plant). Though the over-wrought parent thing is certainly off-putting, it truly IS disturbing when it happens. Who uses fresh herbs AND is that petty a theif? It boggles...

  6. People have a really hard time differentiating between public and private in this city. Either that or that just don't care.

  7. Nothing a well aimed shotgun can't cure! OK, overkill for herbs, but then again, herb stealing could be a gateway crime, before they move onto crimes that would better justity shotgun defenses. :)

  8. First they steal Basil.
    Then they may snare birds.
    Then they could hurt kittens.
    Then who knows?

  9. Sorry but posting this sign makes me want to steal your basil.


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