23 July 2009

Horseradish and Cyclones

One of the things I like most about going to Brooklyn Cyclones games in Coney Island—aside from being able to get Magic Hat beer, kosher hot dogs and knishes, Nathan's french fries, the views of the water, the Wonder Wheel, the Cyclone and the Parachute Drop, the "Hot Dog Races," the breeze wafting in from New York Harbor, and, jeez, just about everything—are the ads that line the outfield.

There are a few placards for national, corporate products like Pepsi and the execrable Applebee's. But mainly the ads are homely jobs for wonderful, local (or formerly local) concerns like Maimonides Medical Center, Carvel Ice Cream, the Brooklyn Window & Door Corporation, the NYC Union of Carpenters and Contractors and the good old Wonder Wheel.

But my favorite of all the ads is the one for Gold's Horseradish out in far right field. I don't know. Something about their line of tear-provoking products just says "New York." Anyway, you can bet you're not going to see a Gold's billboard at some stadium in Sarasota or Durham.


  1. Wow, I'm going, that's a long and pretty intense things that are pretty fantastic. Cyclones time!

  2. How many people outside the office-supply industry would even have heard of W.B. Mason if it weren't for its ads at Yankee Stadium?


  3. bigmissfrenchie7/23/2009 10:07 AM

    Love it! You are so right about that; definitely great real Brooklyn charm in that sign.


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