30 July 2009

South Brooklyn Bike Thieves Caught

Brooklyn Paper reports that the local police have "collared two men last week that they believe are responsible for a spate of bicycle thefts in Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens this month."

Readers of this site will be familiar with the stolen bike problem. Thefts began to rise in late June, and people began carting their bikes inside rather than risk locking it up on the street.

The robbers apprehended were Adrian Figueroa, 37, and Gasper Alcade, 49, who were seen clipping the locks on two bikes on Wyckoff Street on July 20. According to BP, there were at least seven other cycles stolen between July 1 and 15 in the 76th Precinct. (I think the number is far higher than that. I've personally heard of at least 10.)

The article contines:

But since a cop cuffed the pair between Hoyt and Smith streets, there have been no reported missing penny-farthings, according to a community affairs officer in the precinct.

That said, the police have not linked Figueroa and Alcade to any of the earlier crimes.

“We’re still investigating it,” said Vincent Marrone, a cop at the the Union Street stationhouse in Carroll Gardens.

Good job, 76th! Thanks to Brownstoner, who picked up several of my stories on bike thefts, and Channel 12, who did a subsequent TV segment on the matter.

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