16 August 2009

Bloomberg's Homeless Solution Works Equally Well for Bloomberg Himself

I love political campaigns that have a sense of humor.

From Tony Avella's campaign manager:

A One-Way Ticket Out of Town for Mike Bloomberg

Mayor Bloomberg has been at it again. In dealing with the serious issue of homelessness in our city, Mike has decided not to deal with it at all. He has been taking your tax dollars to buy homeless New Yorkers one-way tickets out of town instead of trying to find a real solution. That’s not leadership ... that’s just lazy.

If you would like to give Mr. Bloomberg a taste of his own medicine, you can help us send him packing as well. We have a fundraising goal of $150,000. If you help us reach that total, we’ll do two things right away.

1. We’ll make a contribution to a homeless shelter to help alleviate some of the issues they are dealing with.

2. We’ll buy Mike a one-way ticket to Alaska.

Can you make a contribution today and send Mike packing?

James, you may be asking yourself, “Why Alaska?” Well, with Sarah Palin quitting her job as Governor, and with Mike basically quitting his job since he is afraid of making tough decisions, we thought they may have a lot in common. So make a contribution today and we will purchase and hand-deliver a plane ticket to Alaska to Mayor Bloobmberg as soon as we reach our goal.

If kicking people out of the city is OK by Mike, then maybe Mike won’t mind leaving our city as well.

Thanks for all you do each day to make our city better.

Christian Schneider
Campaign Manager

Why send him to Alaska? Well, how about this? Or this? Or that fact that he will find a way to be mayor for life if we don't drive a stake through his heart?

1 comment:

  1. I actually think this is a great idea from Bloomberg. Buying someone a one-way ticket home is a fraction of the cost of supporting them in the homeless system. The ticket home is also completely voluntary, and they person must have someone to take them in once they've arrived. So, the city is alleviated the cost, the individual goes home for free, it's a win-win situation.


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