14 August 2009

Carroll Street Stop May Lose Station Agent

Public Advocate candidate Bill DeBlasio has sent out a letter alerting Carroll Gardeners that the station agent booth at the Carroll Street Station on the F line may be closed.

Dear Neighbors,

Recently we learned of the potential closing of the Station Agent booth
at the President Street entrance to the Carroll Street F train stop.
If this booth is closed, it will be a detriment to the neighborhood.
Carroll Street has a high volume of ridership, which will only increase
once the Smith-9th Streets stop will be closed as part of the Culver El
Viaduct Project. Carroll Gardens and its surrounding neighborhoods
need these agents to ensure the efficient operation of the station.
Please join in our support of the project by signing our petition:

I have sent a letter to the MTA request[ing] the station remain open. We
look forward to working with all of you to keep this necessary resource
in our neighborhood.


Bill de Blasio

This is kind of amazing, given the heavy ridership this station receives.

Nice of De Blasio to alert us. I still wouldn't vote for him. But nice.


  1. Given that everyone in Carroll Gardens depends on a stroller I foresee riots among the parenting classes.

  2. I heard the 2nd Place entrance is being closed due to the construction of the condos on 2nd and Smith. Anyone heard this or how this will affest closing the other tolen booth?


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