15 September 2009

Caffe Dante Needs at Attitude Adjustment

I love Caffe Dante, the old-world coffee house on lower Macdougal in the Village. But, seriously, the owners need to relaxed.

Enter this 94-year-old cafe and you can't help but be bombarded by tiny, nagging signs telling you what you can or can't do inside. These range from the common "Restrooms for customers only" and "No food or drink from outside allowed" to the less common "Tables are only for Waitress Service" and the resolutely modern "Laptops not allowed." Jesus, even the ATM sign is bossy, stating "$10 minimum withdrawal. (Who, please tell me, is trying to get less than $10 out of a New York ATM?)

I'd like to see Caffe Dante stay open for another 94 years. So, I say: Loosen up, guys.


  1. The "$10 minimum withdrawal" sign on the ATM is actually customer-friendly, as it's a change to the usual practice of dispensing only 20's.


  2. Looks like a kinder, gentler Shopsin's.

  3. It may be a great old spot, but I've always found this place unfriendly and unwelcoming.

  4. they're not even good anymore. stopped in recently for a desert, got served stale cream in my cannoli.


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