18 September 2009

What We Learned From This Week's Election

Several things, only one of them encouraging.

1. The people are damn lazy and pretty much get the government they deserve. Despite the fact that, in this heavily Democratic city, the person who wins the Democratic primary inevitably wins the office; and despite the fact that many of the incumbents for City Council had basically said "Fuck you!" to the voters by overturning term limits last fall, a pathetic minority of the voting public showed up at the polls. Way to ensure corruption goes unpunished, New York!

2. Bloomberg's a shoo-in. The voters stupidly went with the most visible candidate William C. Thompson Jr., the milquetoast foremer comptroller who couldn't even come up with a reason why he wanted to be mayor in a recent debate, instead of voting for the most intelligent, principled and focused candidate, City Council member Tony Avella. With Avella, at least, we would have been assured that Bloomberg would have been called every name he deserves to be called and would have been made plenty uncomfortable until November.

3. There is no justice. Council speaker Christine Quinn, who, along with Bloomberg, strong-armed the council into passing the new third-term legislation, through back-room deals and intimidation tactics, was reelected. Sure, the margin was slimmer than it should have been, so Quinn was humiliated a bit. But to you think that operator cares? As long as she won, that means power, and power is all this gal ever wanted.

4. There is some justice. At least four, and maybe six, City Council members—all of whom voted to extend term limits—were ousted from their seats. In our sad, apathetic city, this amount to a house-cleaning. The losers, who are now spending their nights cursing the darkness that they ever met Devil Bloomberg and his Mephistopheles, Quinn, include the often absent Maria Baez of the Bronx (how will people know she's gone?); Helen Sears, a Queens Democrat; Alan J. Gerson of Manhattan; and Kendall Stewart of Brooklyn. Think Quinn called with condolences?

5. Those who hope for a Gowanus Superfund cleanup lost a supporter. Josh Skaller lost to Bill DeBlasio protege Brad Lander in the 39th district. Lander hedged his language regarding the canal and the developer-loving City Hall's controversial (and probably not viable) plan to clean up the canal itself. Rest assured, Lander will come out strongly against the Superfund soon after taking office. The developers will have his ear.


  1. a vote for quinn was a vote by an idiot

    absolutely no excuse to pull the lever for that pig

  2. Avella was a mushmouth know-nothing panderer masquerading as the Last Honest Man.

    What rot.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish - at least with Bloomberg, you know what you are getting, love it or hate it.

  3. Jesus. What absolute worthless, shit philosophy Anonymous. I wouldn't sign a name to that crap, either.

  4. Years ago, I got sucked into thinking Christine Quinn was a decent human being. Boy was I wrong. She is a monster.

  5. Why should anyone vote for local elections?

    Pdiddy and Bono didn't go on tv to tell people to rock the vote or die.

  6. Blame professulas whose posh pensions graze on stumbent loan interest from vacuous degrees in basket weaving commie nutty organizing. Turn grant grubbing blatherers into fuel, especially perverts like mayor crotch who gas for obsama zbin biden. Your islamosympathic gutterswabbing clothing and pierced privates spread diesease. If you weren't such baby killing, vermin snuggling perverts you wouldn't be driving up our health costs, then collecting disability for your commie nutty organizing dementia. Your passive aggressive labor unions grab our guns, cars (congestion pricing), balls (SONDA), wallets, and homes but we will grab your throats and dang you from trailer bone tolls. Apply Sarbanes Oxley to non-profits! Repeal the seventeenth amendment before any VAT. All the homeless are drugged out hippies. Second Amendment is the ONLY Homeland Security. Wait until we waste all your stumbent subprimes, so you need to sell your affectation glutton art and work instead of diverting tuition and Y2K scams to soviet freezeniks! Deport for multiple visits to same country. If you controlled your own pension neither your boss nor the government could abuse it. Lynch soviet wealth fund abetting aghadhimmic peakies when oil plummets! Parasites complain about salaries but pig out with benefits. Global warming is a grant grubbing extortion racket. Urban sprawl annoys terrorists. Hazards and pollution stem mostly from mandates. Aqua volte! This land wasn't build by bullocraps

  7. This is the first time I didn't vote. I was pissed .My mailbox was filled with all that political crap , so full that my mail couldn't fit in. And one day I had 11 messages on my home phone from Democratic robo call and live calls. And they just don't get it. everyone I know passed on this election. One idiot is as bad as the next

  8. Sorry Anonymous #3, I have to disagree—some idiots are worse than others. Also, not everyone in this election was an idiot. Some were willfully malevolent beings fully aware of what they were doing.

  9. After reading Jack Reylan's apparently computer generated "comment," I fear that Glenn Beck has somehow mated with software!


Sorry. This blog DOES NOT accept Anonymous comments. I also reserve the right to not post abusive or offensive comments, or anything that contains the phrase "a real New Yorker."