23 November 2009

Guess Where This Is?

Well, the first-ever Lost City walking tour took place yesterday, and though my modest Midwestern blood does not permit me to boast, I think I can say it went well. The weather was fine, bright sun and just a touch of chill. I was blessed with a wonderful group of fellow walkers, inquisitive, intelligent and easygoing. They made it easy for this novice guide.

We tromped about from Henry to Degraw to Hicks, across the bridge to Union, Columbia and President and back. The whole walk took about two hours—a half hour longer than I expected. Looks like my wife was right, and I over-researched. Ah, well. The time flew. Which is not to say that by the end, I hadn't worked up a huge hunger, and was more than ready for a visit to the House of Pizza and Calzone. I was happy to see that two of my guests had taken me up on my suggestion to hit the place for lunch.

Just a note there are a few spaces left for the Sunday, Nov. 29, Thanksgiving tour, of the same area. If you're looking to walk off some of that turkey and stuffing, this is a good way to do it! Write me at lostcitybrooks@gmail.com.

And if you come, I'll tell you what intersection this picture, from 1945, depicts. You'd be surprised.


  1. I recognize the corner of Union & Columbia by the stores that still remain on the NE corner. The giant flag is hanging right about where my shop now atands. What's odd is that it appears to be a 50 star flag...

  2. My wife and I went on the tour and it was fantastic!!! Thanks again Brooks for a wonderful day.

    I highly recommend the tour to anyone thinking about doing it and we can't wait for the other neighborhoods (just trying to figure out our schedules).

    Keep up the great work.

  3. Thanks for the supportive words, Patrick. Hope you can make those other tours. Would be good to see you again.

  4. I meant to say "the buildings that still remain on the NE corner"; the stores have obviously changed.

  5. Right you are, Bobcat. Good eye. The building just under the banner, the Columbia Bar & Grill, is now the Red Apple Chinese takeout joint.

    Bopkat: by the way, I like your store.

  6. Thank you, Brooks. I'm flattered that you like my store. I would love to take your tour, but the time conflicts with my shop hours.

    On closer inspection, I see that the giant flag appears to be a 45 star, which would have gone out of use in 1908- almost 40 years before the photo was taken. I guess I'm not the first vintage fan to occupy that space.

  7. Bobkat, well hopefully in the future I'll hold a tour that timed at an hour you can take it. It would be great to have you.


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