06 November 2009


Come one, come all!

The first-ever Lost City Walking Tour will take place on Sunday, November 22, at 11 AM. Where? My regular stomping grounds, what we will call, for arguments sake, Carroll Gardens West, the once (and still?) Mob-infested streets on either side of Moses' Gulch, better known at the BQE, from Hamilton to the south to Degraw on the north. (It seemed appropriate to keep the first tour close to home.)

I'm going to try to keep these tours the walking, talking equivalent of the blog. It will not be the history you find in books. Nothing about the Battle of Brooklyn or Peter Stuyvesant. Historians have done that to death and much better, too, than I could. The tour will cover hidden history, maybe some stuff you've heard of somewhere, but hopefully a lot of things you've never heard of before or even suspected. It will by hyper-local, idiosyncratic, with a light patina of Big Picture, and I will try to include as much living history as I can (though that choice commodity becomes harder and harder to come by as the years progress).

The tour will last roughly 90 minutes. (I don't think people really want to be on their feet much longer than that.) The cost will be $20. Yours truly, Brooks, will be the host. And the meeting place will by the southwest corner of Henry and Sackett Streets, in front of Naidre's cafe. (The best way to get there, if you don't live in the area, is to take the F train to the Carroll Street stop. Walk north on Smith to Sackett, turn left, and walk three blocks to Henry.)

I'm going to try to keep it small (about 15 people), so, if you're interested, please make a reservation by contacting me at lostcitybrooks@gmail.com. (Or click the "Contact Me" link to the right.)


  1. what a great idea! I will try to make it.

  2. Can I get a student discount?

  3. Blayze: Write me at the email address.

  4. I would love it if you could take pictures during the tour & blog about it (as I'm from Australia so attending the tour is problematic).

  5. Wish I could be there...

  6. Ah, wish I could Lila, but that would not be fair to the people paying for the tour.

  7. Great idea. I used to organise walks like this in the Bermondsey neighbourhood in London.


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