03 November 2009

Ridiculously Cute Restaurant

It was very difficult to resist the tidal pull of the avalanche of ethnic cuteness offered by this corner restaurant on Great Pond Road in Ridgewood. Suit of armor? Little gnomes at work above the doorway? Fieldstone facade? Polish name I can't pronounce? I'm there!

Unfortunately, I had no time, and besides had a date at another nearby, adorable, ethnic restaurant (see Who Goes There? Friday), so I had to pass it by.

The name, Krolewskie Jadlo, means "King's Feast," and—can you believe it—this joint is part of a mini-chain! There's another one on Manhattan Avenue in Greenpoint! Same owner. Krzysztof Drzewiecki is his name. He's the chef, too. He purports to serve "true Polish cuisine," now just the usual meat and potatoes and pierogis (though there is plenty of that on the menu). Didn't look too busy. Must go back when I have more time.

1 comment:

  1. This place is awesome. You get pickles and a bread and a little tub of lard (seriously) with every meal. It never seems that busy; hope it stays in business.


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