20 January 2010

The Cutest Home on Strong Place

Everyone I know likes 36 Strong Place. It's the cutest residence on that enclosed Cobble Hill block, a squat, two-story former stable that is set far, far back from the street. It give off the air of a small country cottage you stumble upon while out for your bucolic evening constitutional.

According to Landmarks Commission information, 36 Strong Place is an altered stable built in the mid-19th century. In 1982, facade alterations included creating new window openings and an entrance at the ground floor, installing new window lintels at the second floor, and installing a new cornice. A more recent alteration involved the constructing a two-story, 16' 9 ½ " deep addition on the front of the building clad in brick. That allowance was issued in 2007. Don't know if the work was done.

I've never seen the inside, but would love to. It's the most singular carriage house in the area. The only problem with the building is the long driveway leading up to it. It's almost almost clogged with two or three cars, completely spoiling the view of the house. 

Also of interest of a couple pylons near the end of the drive. I wonder if they're original or an added decoration.

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