03 January 2010

Last Day of Pink Tea Cup, Or Relocation?

Reports from last month named Jan. 3 as the last day of operation for the Greenwich Village's 55 year-old soul food staple, the Pink Tea Cup. Then later reports indicated the day would be used for a fundraising effort to earn $100,000 and save the landmark.

Tried to call today but no one's answering. But there are some cryptically encouraging message on the "Save the Pink Tea Cup" Facebook page, such as this, posted yesterday: "IF YOU HAVE NOT HEARD THE BIG NEWS.... WELL I GUESS YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO BE THERE TOMORROW TO FIND OUT!!! And this, posted on Dec. 31: "HAPPY NEW YEAR PINK TEACUP FANS! This is going to be the year of the Pink Teacup!!! Your support has gone further than you know! See you on Sunday! BIG SURPRISE IN STORE!!!"

UPDATE: Just got through. The person on the phone said an attempt is underway to move the restaurant, but nothing is definite yet. In the meantime, you've got until about 6 PM to go there.

FURTHER UPDATE: The Voice reported Monday, Jan. 4, "It looks like the Pink Tea Cup will live to see another year. According to a press release sent out by Save the Pink Tea Cup, a group formed after the announcement of the restaurant's imminent demise, Lawrence Page, the owner of the Actors' Playhouse, has partnered with the Tea Cup's manager to buy and operate the West Village stalwart."

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