02 March 2010

Dawn Breaks on Norah Jones' Sixth Window

Just because it's fun to count Norah Jones' new windows as they go up on her newly purchased townhouse on Amity Street in Cobble Hill, here is the latest hot bulletin: window six of seven was blasted through the building's west wall on Monday, March 1. Three on the top floor and three on the bottom floor.

What's more, a big 'ol cement truck pretty much clogged up Amity for most of the afternoon, feeding fresh cement into the townhouse for who-knows-what-reason. Does Norah has some bodies to bury in the basement?


  1. That is a great title, Brooks. (I can't wait to read the book and see the movie!)

  2. Did you know she's Ravi Shankar's daughter? I was surprised too!

  3. I think its creepy to post pictures of peoples houses. You really dont need a picture of anything to say something.

  4. "You really don't need a picture of anything to say something"? Haven't been paying much attention to trends in journalism for the past 30 years have you? Editors and publishers generally won't print a story without a picture. And readers won't read it.


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