01 March 2010

Norah Jones and the Seven Windows

Last time we checked in on Norah Jones and her Amity Street townhouse, she has punched through three of the seven new windows the Landmarks Commission said she could put in her western wall (over the objections of local Cobble Hill preservation groups).

Now, the winsome warbler has fully five of the windows in place, three on the top floor, two on the first. That leaves the second floor to be done. Wonder which level will contain the recording artist's home studio.


  1. You know i was worried it would look all strange and out of place, but those windows look like they have been there since day 1.

  2. bigmissfrenchie3/01/2010 11:15 AM

    I am mystified by the fascination with and objection to these windows. It seems to me that there were none because there had probably been another building next to this one so there were no side windows. Corner brownstones all have windows on the side. What is the big hoop-de-doo?

  3. BMF: The fascination is its Norah Jones, and the idea of powerful people and celebrities wanting to do exactly as they please. But, you're right. The windows aren't bad. No blemish on the neighborhood. (There was never any building next to this one, tho. Always been a spacious lawn around the nearby Degraw Mansion.) I'm just having fun at this point, counting the windows as they go up, and making fun of Jones.

  4. I think they look nice and will be a good addition to the street. When the days get longer the light will bounce onto the street.

    I'm just curious why a celebrity would open up more windows into her privacy

  5. ISABEL, Good for her the landmark commission is out of its skull with power. Her windows look fabulous!! Plus more windows mean more likely we hear her signing. Leontine Price had a window in her home in Soho it was a joy to pass and hear her sign. Good for all of us that she won. Maybe now the landmark commission will look at all the building as living things not museum pieces that don't move.

  6. bigmissfrenchie3/02/2010 10:45 AM


    That was def not a dig at you...love your attitude and your blog. Interesting that there was never another building there.


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