19 March 2010

Purl One, Chug Two

La Casita, the yarn shop that opened three months ago in the Boerum Hill space that once housed bistro Patois, has opened up a wine bar in back!

The owner expects to have the wine list ready by the end of the week. Right now, there are just a few selections by the glass, and a few by the bottle. White, red, rose. Even a "house wine."

Nice idea. Weird idea. Knitting requires concentration. Won't a glass or two cause the lines to go astray a bit? Some kid's gonna get a pretty funny looking set of booties.


  1. As a knitter...this is the most brilliant idea EVER!! Only in NYC!! Where else would you find such genius?!

  2. Sounds good to me! I should start keeping a list of entertaining business concepts: both off-beat names (one of my favorites is Praise the Lord Dentistry on LaSalle in Harlem), and seemingly dichotomous pairings. Anyone else remember Cappuccinos & Tattoos that used to be on St. Mark's?

  3. Actually it's "purl" not "pearl"... (in the headline).

  4. Eek. I feel so stupid. Obviously, I don't know my knitting lingo.

    I made the correction.


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