19 March 2010

Some Stuff That's Interesting

Owners would rather sell Amsterdam Avenue's West-Park Presbyterian Church than deal with the odious burden of its newly acquired Landmark status. Reverend J.C. Austin tells DNAinfo the church "is considering offers that come in regardless of their source." So, Satan can bid? Satan OK? [DNAinfo]

Old South Street Seaport Doorways. [Greenwich Village Daily Photo]

Great old East Village Mexican joint Mary Ann's seized by tax man. Used to eat there a lot in the early '90s, when I lived on Eldridge Street and was largely broke. As opposed to now, when I'm broke in Carroll Gardens. [EV Grieve]

The Fed removed some much-deserved graffiti. [EVG]

You're a nonprofit. Bloomberg gives you money. Then he forces you to speak out in favor of his running for an illegal third term as Mayor. You acquiesce to this blackmail, because, well, you have to. Bloomberg wins a third term. And suddenly, Bloomberg isn't in a charitable frame of mind anymore. Just goes to show, anyone who helps this corrupt, evil man is a sucker and deserves to be played. You all sold your souls cheaply, nonprofit leaders. [NY Times]

Brooklyn cops target bicyclists. Because, you know, bike riders are the reason traffic is so bad, and, of course, they're rich. [Brooklyn Paper]

1 comment:

  1. What can be done with West-Park Presbyterian actually, curiously, might depend on what exact denomination of Presbyterian they are.

    If they're PC(USA), which from their website it looks like they are, the owner, technically, should be the Presbytery of New York City, which holds it in trust for the congregation. There shouldn't even be any individual people who would have the authority to decide to sell the building. And it would be strange--and disheartening--to me if the presbytery hasn't at least looked into helping the congregation with costs. Have you by chance followed this story up with the presbytery at all?


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