04 March 2010

The Walgreens Effect?

I have to say, I find it very strange and utterly perverse to get press releases sent to me from Duane Reade. I mean, don't they read the blog and all the bad things I've said about them in the past? Or are they reaching out because of all the bad things I've said? Or, is this part of a new marketing image activated since the drug store chain was taken over by Walgreens?

Anyway, this is what DR headquarters wanted me to know: "Attached you will find a release about Duane Reade’s newest store in Chelsea that may leave shoppers wondering if they’ve walked into their neighborhood drug store or a specialty foods shop. This new 24-hour Duane Reade is unlike any other in the chain as it features a greater emphasis on fresh foods, locally-sourced grocery items and on-the-go coffees and meals designed to appeal to the young and active habituĂ© of the neighborhood."

Hey, as a young and active habituĂ© myself, there's nothing I love more than on-the-go coffee. But the above picture reminds me of suburbia, not New York speciality food shops.


  1. I'm increasingly thinking this city has turned into a suburb with pre World War II buildings and mass transit. But a suburb of what?

  2. This is even off putting for anywhere else in the USA. I personally don't come visit my sister so I can see non descript crap.


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