14 April 2010

Really Not Open For Business

I love the look of this shuttered old storefront on Fifth Avenue in the South Slope, but, Jesus, what tornado his this shop? It looks like it went through Hurricane Katrina.

There are about a dozen pieces of plywood and tagboard holding the facade together. It looks like a collage. The chicken wire gives the place a side-of-the-country-road feel. A former general store in Appalachia, maybe?

This sign confirms the place is out of "Businssn." They seem to have sold a little bit of everything, including "shope cart"s with both two and four wheels.

I'm guessing the working operation indicated by this sign may have something to do with why they went out of business. Was the shop only opened when a customer rang the bell?

Ah, the AAA sign. A sure indication of the antiquated character of a New York business.

That's 385 Fifth, not 35. The numbers look rusted through. All I can find out is this was A.A. Sutain Co., apparently a graphic arts firm. Hardly looks it.


  1. there used to be all sorts of merchandise (junk) chained up outside for sale. strollers, luggage, chairs, carts, etc. all looked like it was picked up from the trash. an older gentleman would sometimes sit outside. i highly doubt that anyone ever rang the bell to buy something.

  2. check the URL i've linked here for a google maps street view with a very clear shot of what this place looked like when it was "in business".


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