14 May 2010

Don't Mess With the Wisteria Tree of Gay Street

I think 18 Gay Street will tumble to the ground before the twisted trunk of this fierce-looking wisteria tree releases its vise-like grip on life.


  1. I think this is a wisteria...

  2. Yeah. I think Andrew's right. It is wisteria.

  3. We had a lilac tree on our lawn when I was a child and I thought I recognized the flowers on this tree. I may be wrong. They were certainly lilac-like.

  4. When I lived on Gay Street, residents called it a a wisteria. I had never heard the word before, although I was familiar when lilacs last in dooryards bloomed.

  5. I did some more research. It is a wisteria tree. So I changed the text. Thanks.

  6. I would love to have the apartment with that fire escape locked in the wisteria branches--it would be just like having a tree house!


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