04 May 2010

None Like It

I'm making an educated guess that there is no other business in the U.S. that goes by the name of Thessaloniki Jewelry.

The store's east-facing sign looks even better. If completely different. In Astoria.

1 comment:

  1. Upstate Johnny G5/04/2010 12:39 PM

    Brookster, yer probably right....at least when I ran a google search on the name the only one that came up was the one in your post. I did find some mention made of the owner and that he is lauded in the press for being a philanthropist as well as a businessman, and over on the Astorians blog one writer mentioned that you can get good souvlaki from a street vendor called "Souvlaki Lady" who sets up next to Thessaloniki Jewelry.


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