29 May 2010

Scenes From The Last Night at Gino

Chef and co-owner of Gino, Michael Miele, who worked the kitchen on the restaurant's last night, accepts the ovation of the house.

Red-jacketed, career waiters placed their last orders, even as the bar ran out of clean glasses.

Writer Gay Talese (left), a regular at Gino for 30 years and a frequent chronicler of the 65-year-old, Upper East Side restaurant, headed a table of five for a good few hours.

The kitchen bustled as it rarely has in recent months.

A photographer niece of the owner recorded the evening in pictures.

Longtime bartender Bruno Blazina puts in one last shift.

The zebra wallpaper pranced on.

Look for my full account of the last night at Gino on Eater Tuesday morning.

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