04 June 2010

Some Stuff That's Interesting

Lucky bastard Ken Mac actually gets inside the long-closed Sunset Luncheonette in Greenpoint. Looks like it never closed. [GVDP]

JVNY pays a call on one of my longtime faves: Bill's Gay 90s. [JVNY]

JFK wants to tear down I.M. Pei's classic Terminal 6. [Daily News]

BP Spills Green Shit All Over Williamsburg, too. [Restless]

Famed French luxery line The Normandie's whistle blows once more. [City Room]

A celebration of Circo's, which looks like a joint I might like. [Bushwick BK]

NOTE: A reader of Lost City is looking for a copy of the menu at the late, lamented Gino. Anyone out there have any connections?

1 comment:

  1. thanks dude! Guess I should post more pics? She's got a freezer from like 1920 in there....


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