07 June 2010

Trouble in Tin Pan Alley

Remember that June 10 art show I posted about, to take place inside the buildings on W. 28th Street that used to constitute Tin Pan Alley? Well, the organizers, Glen Hansen and Cara Negrycz, have been in a prolonged legal battle with the landlord of this group of building. Got this email from Cara:  
The lawyers representing the landlord Jo-Fra Properties which own building 55-49 west 28th street are trying to block the Tin Pan Alley Art Show. The lawyers went into court today 6/4/2010 to file an order blocking us from showing our artwork in our homes.
The art show, FYI, is by invitation only.

The ugliest people always seem to own the most beautiful buildings. Jo-Fra were the same wonders who tried to sell the lot a couple years back, with the idea of demolishing the historic street and putting up a highrise. They were also found by a judge, in 2009, to have been illegally overcharging their tenants. Of course, nobody knows who Jo-Fra is, or where they do business. One never does with these shady landlords.


  1. Sounds like business as usual
    for this landlord of which one of
    the owners works out of one of these buildings herself.

    First for years he knows people were living in these buildings who had to tell them they were commercial only tenants and now this.He avoided residential loft laws doing this and the D.O.B. criteria

    I presume they may be a civil rights issue here.

    On the obverse side:

    Now if they have commercial sales
    are they then making money illegally from their residence?

    I suppose this is what this LL is trying to say,but recent court cases have shown in
    these bad financial times one can
    make a living in a rent stabilized

    Also other Tin Pan Alley buildings
    which this landlord JoFra Realty does not own on same this block have artists in them ,perhaps he could try some BS there?, no way.

    Me thinks this is the LL's game
    to keep harassing this group
    of artist-tenants so that they
    divide and break up and accept a
    token buy out.

    I would imagine that one tenant
    who mentioned " A million
    dollar buyout" did not
    help there cause when talking
    to The New York Post ,awhile back.

    More to come.

    Other Tin Pan Alley buildings are more secure as most of the LL's
    have businesses in those buildings
    that are owned by them on the street level, like cellphone stores
    and one Major wholesale florist.

  2. This Landlord JoFra of Bayside Queens is not as big an enemy
    as one might imagine.
    The part of the story that is left out as regards these TPA buildings
    is that a JoFra owned building #47 West 28th st. in
    Tin Pan alley became legal and
    legitimate under the NY Loft law
    in 1985,yes 1985.

    In 1985 some of the "artists"that are having this show did not wish to become legitimate
    with the NY Loft board way back then.

    The JoFra building #47 w 28 and the independently owned
    Historic building #45 w 28st where Jerome Remick music publishers were
    are all part of the creation of the
    NY Loft board through the Lower
    Manhattan Loft Tenants(LMLT) organization in NYC>

    Without us doing this work at
    LMLT in the 1980's these buildings
    would have been vacant.
    The artists at 51 thru # 55 have benefited from our sweat and legal costs back in 1981 and on.

    This group stating did not invite
    other artists in Tin Pan alley is
    ludicrous when they presume they alone spent thousands of dollars in legal costs, so did other artists in Tin Pan Alley , yes helped create the NY legal loft laws for all and yes we spent tens of thousands of dollars and many manhours IN THE 1980's to have these firetrap buldings become legal,The tenants in the "other
    JoFra" buildings owe us something
    with their "art show"as well.
    If they wish to be a separate group
    as we chose not to,that is fine
    but not even telling their neighbors about the show and saying
    come by for a drink is very sad.

    Good luck to all in any event!

    Friends of Tin Pan Alley

  3. My Great Grandfather was Jerome H Remick, of Remick Music Publishing house located in #45-47 28th Street. As the founder of ASCAP, I am sure he would encourage artistic expression and commerce for the artist in any way shape or form. Not a Saint in many ways, he was, however, a believer in fair compensation due to artists and composers (publishers too).

    As a direct descendant of the building prior owner, I wish only the best for the current tenants and their art show. It is my wish that JoFra Realty and other owners on that block understand the historic significance of the property they acquired.
    Tim Schreier
    New York, NY

  4. I had the pleasure as a resident
    of the Jerome Remick building to
    meet Tim ,a few months ago.

    I do hope we are able to persevere
    in saving these old buildings .

    One of the important items we need
    is sheet music from your Great Grandfather that has the address
    45 w.28th street on it's page from
    the years 1913-1915 when George
    Gershwin worked here.

    By the way the art show mentioned
    does not have any artists from the
    Remick building,those artists have
    the same landlord in buildings #
    51-#55,it was just for them and
    not other TPA tenants.

    Mike of Tin Pan Alley

  5. Tim Schreier6/10/2010 8:22 AM

    Sadly, we are not active collectors. I have a few covers of the sheets but they only reference NY and Detroit. I will, however, check with my siblings and see if they have any stamped with 28th Street.

    Oh and it was very nice to have met you a few months ago. Thank you for the mini tour...

  6. Tim,
    Would be great to have Remick music scores with this buildings address as
    many of your Great Grandfather's
    music sheets just say Jerome
    Remick NY or earlier versions
    I have Whitney Warner music with this
    address however before 1915.

    Mike of Tin Pan Alley

  7. Hi all - Has anyone seen the plaque on Tin Pan Alley lately? My grandpa, who lives in FL, heard of this spot and asked me to check it out. I called him from across the street of 45 W. 28th this past Saturday and he was elated. However, I haven't been able to find the plaque. I saw the post that it's located on the south side of the street between 5th and Broadway but still no luck. There's significant construction on the SE corner of Broadway and so I wonder if the construction is covering the plaque. If anyone has any information with more specifics please let me know. Thanks!


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