07 December 2010

Hidden Sign

Just barely glimpsed this painted-over metal sign in the doorway of 163 Hester Street. Strain your eyes and you can see it's a soda ad and pick out the words "Select" up top and "Naturally Good" down below. Can't be certain what soda, but "Naturally Good" was the slogan for Mission Sodas back in the day. Mission was initially out of California, and produced soda from 1929 to 1970. They were famous for their orange soda, that, weirdly, was sold in a black bottle.

1 comment:

  1. bigmissfrenchie12/08/2010 10:05 AM

    When I was kid, growing up in Queens in the 1960's, there was a beverage distributor that sold Mission soda as its "house brand" meaning that it was the cheapest option. I can't remember the name of the place (it may have been called "Mission") but I definitely remember the soda.


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