16 December 2010

Neighborhood Sandwich Shop in Cobble Hill

This primo corner spot, on the Cobble Hill corner of Kane and Henry, has been vacant for a good five years, since the Bonafide Deli went bust. It's been under construction for about four months now and will open as a sandwich shop run by the owners of Angry Wade, the Smith Street bar. It looks so good because the Landmarks Commission has been on the builder's back, making sure the space is in keeping with the Brownstone surroundings. Supposedly, the handsome storefront, windows and cornice follow the design of a tax photo from the 1940s. Also, the cast iron beams inside have been saved and incorporated.

One of the old cornices, on the side of the building, is pictured below. Looks fairly close to the new work.


  1. Inexplicable why that prime spot stayed vacant so long. How well I remember the rush on candy after P.S. 29 let out across the street, 25 years ago - before Bonafide, when it was an even less upscale corner deli (didn't it have old photos of the neighborhood posted behind the counter, or am I thinking of another deli?)


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