07 February 2011

Bigelow's Second Floor

Call me ignorant. Until now, I had no idea that Bigelow Chemists, the eternal pharmacy in the Village, had a second floor. Anyway, it's not much to see, that second floor. But it has a nice view of Sixth Avenue and Jefferson Market. And the stairwell leading to it is pleasantly of another era.


  1. Unfortunately, Jefferson Market is no more! I'd love recommendations for a replacement. I want to put my money into a NY institution like Jefferson used to be. Any suggestions??

  2. Jefferson Market Library, I meant, of course.

  3. I hope you never need Bigelow's second floor...it's surgical supplies, and seriously overpriced ones.

  4. Nice door design. I think this is fit for my new home :D

    Paula M

  5. There are a whole bunch of psychologists' offices in the building above. Just take that little elevator on the left to (purportedly) happier you!


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