23 February 2011

Old Yorkville Memory

I've been getting some wonderful comments about life in Old New York lately. Here's one of the Bavarian Inn, a former German restaurant in formerly German Yorkville:
I was present on the last night the Bavarian Inn was open for business in 1983. I was introduced to the place by my father, who first encountered it as a serviceman during WW2. At that time, Yorkville was still going strong, despite the fact that we were engaged in a world war with the Nazis! He related that he an his buddies went up and down the street, having beers at the B.I. and other german joints - everything was on the house. Not a single bartender would charge a G.I. in uniform for a beer. I used to visit the place often myself when I moved to manhattan, and even turned on an intern at my ad aency from Austria to the B.I. - he thought is was a blast. The Cafe Geiger, and Kleine Kondittorei were two other authentic german spots that are now history as well.


  1. bigmissfrenchie2/23/2011 8:06 AM

    My father has fond memories of all of those places from when he worked at the Ruppert Knickerbocker brewery. I later lived there in the 80's, and remember Cafe Geiger (and their Christmas windows) and Kleine Konditorei along with the Ideal Coffee Shop, which had the best deals in town. I can't believe it's all gone now.

  2. Luckily, the Heidelberg restaurant and Schaller and Weber deli are still there (2 nd and 85-86). Even though I haven't lived on the UES for ten years, I still go across town a few times a year to get my fix. Enjoy them while they're still there -- I this economy, and with the subway construction, they need all the business they can get!

  3. I was there that last night also. New owner got up to speak- "won't change a thing"--enter 'Sean Fleming's" a month later, a totally renovated boring "Irish" fern bar. Bavarian Inn was fantastic. I feel like my college buddy could have written that blog post and probably did (i'll ask). My first amex card was woorn thin there. Loved those great old country murals over the bar. Great taps, and fantastic liver dumplings, kalbs haxe, etc. Loved that place. Miss it all the time.

  4. I worked at the Lorelei across the street and still live in the neighborhood. Can never walk down that block and not think how better the street was then....exciting, unique and fun!! The sound of live music up and down the street and even Latin music coming from the Corso.
    I also remember fondly the owner of the Bavarian Inn, Lutz. His wife was a waitress there.

  5. Nice friends, Lutz and Frida

  6. sorry to hear of its demise .i had a bunch of great times there along with good food and friends .the last time i was there was in 1981 .it was a historical land mark and will be missed


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