27 March 2011

Carroll Gardens' Old V&R Pizzeria Changes Hands

V&R Pizzeria, one of the least celebrated but most longstanding pizza joints in Carroll Gardens, is no more. The storefront has changed hands and is now called Grandma's Boy's Pizzeria. The new owner told me the proprietor of V&R sustained an injury when he slipped on some olive oil in the kitchen, and was forced to retire.

V&R has been on the south stretch of Court Street for some years. I was never sure exactly how old it was, but at least a quarter century. As Court Street pizzerias like Campabello's and Mole closed one by one over the past decades, it became one of the last old-school slice joints along the increasingly ritzy strip. (It's neighbors include Court Street Grocers, Prime Meats, Buttermilk Channel and the like.) I tried one of Grandma's Boys slices. It was pretty good. Don't love the name, though.


  1. StatlerandWaldorf3/28/2011 10:17 AM

    Is “Grandma’s Boy’s” grammatically correct? They should have just kept the old name AND the old sign. But at least Grandma’s Boy’s will deliver, unlike V&R…

  2. It was Mola, not Mole...

  3. Have you asked the new management where the name Grandma's Boys originated? Because I did, and as much as you may not like the name, it has a meaning...

  4. So what's the story behind the name? (And I don't hate the name that much.)


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