22 March 2011

This in From Le Roy, New York

A reader sent in this photo, taken in Le Roy, New York, a tiny town upstate near Rochester. If Le Roy's big enough to harbor Shelby's Jewelers, with its "Budget Terms," maybe it's not such a bad place to live. (Hey, budget terms are the only terms I got!)


  1. wow, I would travel just to see this in person. What is that shadow of an arch on the wall?

  2. the fact that they offered Budget Terms...such a different world today. Budget Terms from CVS? Duane Reade? More like gauging terms. It's the introduction to the idea that they are there to serve, that they really want your business. No happy model faces and fakery.

  3. Thanks for posting the pic! I'm glad you liked it!

    Ken Mac, the arch shadow was from Le Roy's unique street lamps which arch over the street from the sidewalk, as depicted in the flikr image, click my name above to follow the link, which I found doing a google image search. The picture of Shelby's I took myself while passing through that town. It literally stopped me in my tracks and I have had the photo for a while. I thought the blog owner would like it and his readers too!

  4. Looks like the shadow of a not-very interesting lamppost.

  5. i grew up in this tiny little town, graduated in 1993 (with 87 other people!!), moved away, but return to visit family and friends who remain. The town has hardly changed in nearly 3 decades. Frozen in time. But wonderful people, nevertheless. Everyone knows everyone.


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