25 April 2011

Cafe des Artistes to Reopen as Leopard at des Artistes

The Times bring good news that the the Upper West Side landmark restaurant Cafe des Artistes, which shuttered last year among a sea of money and union problems, will reopen on May 2 under the similar name of Leopard at des Artistes.

The new owners, taking over from the Lang family, are Gianfranco and Paula Bolla Sorrentino, who own Il Gattopardo in Midtown. The Sorrentinos have renovated the place, including the nine, 1920s-30s-era Howard Chandler Christy murals that were so intrinsic to give the restaurant its unique charm. "Gattopardo," by the way, means leopard. 


  1. Actually, Gattopardo means serval, not leopard - the famous novel title was not translated literally. (Wikipedia has more.)

  2. I am so happy; living on West 64th this was my go to resturant; I hope they still have the bar where I ate a number of dinners solo

  3. Just returned for the first time since the old cafe closed. It is totally different except for the wonderful service and great karma. And actually, the food was better. So while I miss the old place and the regulars with whom we dined, I am glad to have a neighborhood place to go, hang, socialize and enjoy. It's a nice feeling.


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