14 April 2011

Nice Decorative Hole in the Wall You've Got There

At the northeast corner of Avenue C and E. 7th is the finest hole in the wall in Alphabet City.

Obviously, this beauteous piece of terra cotta work once surrounded a lovely clock. The clock was provided by the Public National Bank Building. This bank branch was erected in 1923 by architect Eugene Schoen. Schoen's work around the clock was inspired by Josef Hoffman, a founder of the Viennese Secession. The building was sold in 1954; Public National was bought out a year later. It was a nursing home for a while. Now it's a residence. It was declared a landmark in 2008. But what time is it?


  1. bigmissfrenchie4/14/2011 11:38 AM

    Not to be a you-know-what, 'cause you know I love your blog, but shouldn't that be "Hole?"

  2. Yes. Stupid spelling error on my part. But I make one of those every day.

  3. Shouldn't that be, "Yes, stupid, spelling error...."

  4. Great colors! They appear to be original and not painted on. I don't think I've seen such a thing before on a facade.


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