13 May 2011

158-Year-Old Bell Finds Its Resting Place at Strong Place

I've posted in the past about the wonderful old bell that was fetched out of the steeple of the Strong Place Church, as the Cobble Hill landmark has been converted into ritzy apartments, and wondered what would become of it.

The bell, which was forged at the once-world-famous bellmaker Meneely's in West Troy, New York, has been resting on the lawn for months. Well, yesterday, some feverish work and seriously heavy-lifting got underway, and the huge thing found its final resting place.

They've put it right at the corner of Degraw and Strong Place, behind the cast-iron fence. It's a lovely setting, easily viewable to anyone who passes by. And they've placed the inscription to the front, so that everyone can read it. They seem to have given it a little polish, too. It's cleaner than it was. Nice work.


  1. Great find! thanks for posting about this Gem. I just gave you props on the CHA blog too... http://cobblehillassociation.blogpspot.com/

  2. Carol Gardens5/14/2011 8:03 AM

    It took at least two hours to move it into place. It was quite a scene!

  3. Wow, great find indeed! I will have to check that out when I find myself in the hood.


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