09 May 2011

"Dogs" and "Burgers" Come Down from Degraw Storefront

The Degraw Street store that briefly contained Ultimate Burgers & Dogs is now rid of the small signs that said "Burgers" and "Dogs." (See below.) Thank God. Hated those things.

As locals know, Ultimate's main claim to infamy was to take down the wonderful old "Grocery and Deli" sign that had been there for decades. (See below.) They claimed the old sign was hurting their business. Which was bullshit. Because just weeks after they put up the new signs, they closed anyway.

The change must have been made by Ted & Honey, the Clinton Street cafe that is taking over the space. So is it too much to ask for them to put the Grocery sign back up? That is, if the Ultimate doofuses didn't throw it away.

I apologize for my immoderate words. Whenever I think of that sign coming down for no good reason, my blood boils.


  1. Carol Gardens5/09/2011 5:45 AM

    I agree! (I have some nice pics of the old sign. They were from when the white doggy used to hang out on the edge of the roof and look like it was about to jump, but was just enjoying the view.)

  2. I think that is a cursed location for restaurants. I think I've seen at least 3 or 4 fail there in the last 10 or so years. Then again Ted & Honey does a bang up business - but it's right next to the park. The cursed location is not.

  3. The old sign was great. The burgers and dogs sign was, much like the product inside, terrible.

  4. Could there be some legal prohibition against using a sign for a business if the sign does not represent the actual nature of the business? In other words, maybe it's illegal to have a sign reading "Groceries & Deli" unless the business is, in fact, a grocery and deli.


  5. Back in the Day: This was Dom's and he had a dog named Charlie that would follow you around the store.

  6. There's nothing illegal about leaving up old signs on new businesses. It's done quite a lot lately. Downright trendy, in fact.

  7. I think the Grocery and Deli sign was simply painted over and the letters removed. Don't think it's coming back.

    I had heard months ago that the folks at Ted & Honey were going to use this location for their expanding catering business. But I could be wrong.

  8. It wasn't painted over. The sign was removed entirely.

  9. Actually, I think @Nicoda might be right. If you look closely, the horizontal tracks are still there, and the placement of the two Coca Cola signs are exactly where the Dogs and Burger signs are. What might be interesting is if they can keep the font the same, but update the content to reflect the new owners, kind of like how the W Hotel did with the Guardian Life building in Union Square.

  10. I see what you mean. That would mean that Ted & Honey finally took down the tracks and Coke signs.


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