06 May 2011

Astoria Meat Products


A reader wrote in wondering about the status of the above business, Astoria Meat Products, which has a cool sign, a neat display case and offers "Pork. Beef. Lamb. Veal." and "Homemade Bologna Sausages." I love the bold symmetry of the meats listed, how they all have four letters.

The reader said, "The last few times I swung by there the place was closed and all the display cases are empty. The front window is as always. There is no sign in the window or on the door to indicate a closing, vacation or whatever."

I called and there was no answer. I'm not familiar with the shop. Does anyone out there know anything?

1 comment:

  1. It is closed. Apparently sometime over the winter..according to the guys in the Italian deli a few doors down. What a shame..one the older businesses in Astoria, smoked thier own meats..my mother always got her Easter Ham here..I think they were Czechs..Of course we now have Muncan for wonderful smoked meats and sausages on Broadway and 44 st (?), near the Post Office...


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